with RICK ROTANTE from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Starts January 1, 2025
email: rickrotante@aol.com or 909-233-0425
Cost: $35/session; $125 for series of 4 sessions.
If you are new to oil painting or have taken oil painting before and wish to continue your study, I look forward to meeting you and helping you learn new skills.
Bring your own supplies.
Rick Rotante has been a professional artist over forty years and has exhibited from NYC to California. His work can be seen on the Internet at Rickrotantefineart.com
Email: rickrotante@aol.com | Contact 909-233-0425
$30 per class.
Classes are Pre-Paid for the month. Cost is $30.00 per (3 hours) No refunds for missed classes.
Payments are due, in full, on the first Tuesday of each month.
If you are frustrate yourdrawings are off, not drawn well or misshapen, this is the class for you. Classeswill show you how to construct any form or object and create amazing finisheddrawing.
Classes also cover design, composition, placement, lines, shading, dimension and perspective.
Supplies list:
18x24 newsprint pad. Several General 6B softcharcoal pencils.
Stadler hard eraser, Kneaded eraser, Stick of white blackboardchalk
Materials supplied for first class